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Hi Cecil,
* My flat overlooks a big ground. Because it looked so bare, I have planted a couple of trees on the patch of ground nearest to my building. I would like to beautify it further by planting some flower bushes. Does one have to keep some special colours, plants in mind? The ground (as seen from my flat) faces E-SE-S. Please advise in detail.
* I sleep with my head towards SE. Near my head is a small cupboard where I keep reading material, magazines, books, medicines, etc. It's kept closed. Any need to shift it?
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Dear Anon,
Please see below:-

On 4/13/00 6:52:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
* My flat overlooks a big
ground. Because it looked so
bare, I have planted a couple
of trees on the patch of
ground nearest to my building.
I would like to beautify it
further by planting some
flower bushes. Does one have
to keep some special colours,
plants in mind? The ground (as
seen from my flat) faces
E-SE-S. Please advise in

Generally, it is acceptable to plant the additional flower bushes. Like all plants, they need frequent trimmings (especially, if they had grown / mature).
Usually, there is no specific plants that one should keep, but rather, plant plants that are commonly found to thrive and flower in my specific country. It would be nice to see the flowers bloom.

* I sleep with my head towards
SE. Near my head is a small
cupboard where I keep reading
material, magazines, books,
medicines, etc. It's kept
closed. Any need to shift it?

Yes, we live in a practical world. Where, we do have things that we keep near our bed.
Usually, one do not need to shift it. The only thing is if we can try (where possible to avoid) a sharp corner (if we can). But as you mentioned that it is a small cupboard, it is still acceptable to leave it at the current position.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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