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I got a free reading from your web site and
was a bit dumbfounded by the calculations. My
date of birth under the western system is 16
Jan 1967 and under the lunar calender, it is
6 Dec 1966. This is fine and well but the
reading says that I am a Metal Horse, which I
have checked up on, is quite wrong. 1966 is
the year of the Fire Horse....could you
explain this to me or is there a glitch in
the calculations?
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  • Staff

Dear Benard,
1. The saying goes: "A little knowledge is always a dangerous thing."
2. One must remember that most Chinese are only familar with Chinese Astrology.
3. Not only this but all Chinese Astrology books relate a person's "element" simply to their YEAR of birth.
4. So, you are correct to say that your YEAR of birth is the FIRE HORSE.
5. But, under Pillars of Destiny, this is no longer the case.
6. As most of us are aware, Pillars of Destiny looks at our Year, Month, Day and Time of birth.
7. The most important pillar that is highlighted is the Day of birth.
In your case, since your DAY of birth is " Geng " or Metal, Pillars of Destiny analysis thus consider your element as a Metal - Horse. Since your day of birth is on a Metal day and not a Fire day.
Thus taking the YEAR reading is too general in this case.
Hope the above clarifies the "disparity."
Warmest Regards,

On 4/29/00 9:09:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I got a free reading from your
web site and
was a bit dumbfounded by the
calculations. My
date of birth under the
western system is 16
Jan 1967 and under the lunar
calender, it is
6 Dec 1966. This is fine and
well but the
reading says that I am a Metal
Horse, which I
have checked up on, is quite
wrong. 1966 is
the year of the Fire
Horse....could you
explain this to me or is there
a glitch in
the calculations?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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