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Dear all users,
There seems to be many stories or explanation on wind chimes be it type, location, no of rods, etc. etc. which is rather confusing.
Is one also need to know whether the wind chime is suitable for him/herself as to the above.
Appreciate any comments.
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Dear H Kt,
1. Thank you for sharing with us the confusion that arises with wind chimes. Plus the various types of wind chimes.
2. Furthermore, there are so many books written on how `effective' it can be used to enhance our lifes.
3. Generally, in life, we should not have any taboos i.e. if we happen to see something we really like go ahead and get it.
However, the `confusion' arise usually, when we INTEND to purchase e.g. the wind chime for the sake of improving our luck etc...
4. Here, more often, we may want to purchase more than 1 wind chime or on the advise of some Feng Shui practitioners, place wind chimes at several locations.
In my opinion, I have encountered many cases cases before, where, home owners unfortunately, after having followed the advise, came into problems because of such placements.
The remedy would be first to remove them and then do a full FS audit ...
5. In my opinion, usually, those who have a love or just enjoy buying it without Feng Shui considerations (fortuantely) do not usually encounter problems.
6. Thus in my opinion, it does not matter if it is a 5 rod wind chime, a wooden / metallic wind chime.
If you ask any Feng Shui practitioner today, he or she would not be able to describe to anyone what is the consequence or even the characteristics of a wind chime.
For example, you never see a book written with:-
Use 5 (hollow rod) wind chime to improve on your career.
Use 6 (hollow rod) wind chime to improve your love life.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/7/00 12:58:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear all users,
There seems to be many stories
or explanation on wind chimes
be it type, location, no of
rods, etc. etc. which is
rather confusing.
Is one also need to know
whether the wind chime is
suitable for him/herself as to
the above.
Appreciate any comments.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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