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Hello Cecil: In a previous posting you mentioned a case study where the children's bedroom was in the "Devil's backdoor" and that there was an unfortunate incident there. As a rule of thumb, children's rooms should not be in the SW sector? What if that is the only location? Or the alternative location Flying Star-wise and 8 House-wise is not advisable? Please advise. Thank you!
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Dear Elena,
1. Where possible, if we can reduce the concentration of Yin elements than this is fine.
2. Here, the children are themselves belonging to Yin elements. More importantly, the sector itself has too much concentration of Yin elements.
It is the combined effect of these two factors that create the situation. Furthermore, amongst all the rooms, this room is `dark' as compared to the rest.
3. When I walked into the room, I can immediately feel the coldness of the sector and this is confirmed by counter-checking with the Flying Star analysis.
4. As not all situations are the same, it need not necessarily mean that all SW sectors are not good for children.
Similarly, the other sector i.e. North East or devil's gate can easily be prone to this.
5. Thus, we can say that usually, if there are too much concentration of Yin elements especially at NE or SW, we have to be more careful.
6. Thus if there are a balance or more of Yang concentration in NE or SW, it should be fine.
7. This is why, placing trees or too many trees especially NE, is believed to increase the Yin of that sector.
8. On our part, if we are not sure whether it is too yin is to keep the room `bright'. Do not install thick curtains or pull them all the way.
Where possible, such rooms should have natural sunlight...
9. Thus, where possible, we should avoid, having a `fixed' rule and label the rooms. It depends on the situation and circumstances. Plus keep in mind, the `sensitivity' of NE and SW especially when giving advise or placing enhancements such as advising a homeowner to place metal windchimes.
10. As mentioned earlier, it is usually the `unfortunate' concentration of Yin elements that will create an inauspicious event, and very often it is firstly under NE and on occassions SW and even West (Yin sectors).
Warmest Regards,

On 5/12/00 4:07:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello Cecil: In a previous
posting you mentioned a case
study where the children's
bedroom was in the "Devil's
backdoor" and that there was
an unfortunate incident there.
As a rule of thumb, children's
rooms should not be in the SW
sector? What if that is the
only location? Or the
alternative location Flying
Star-wise and 8 House-wise is
not advisable? Please advise.
Thank you!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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In managment studies, the familiar term is: Situtational Approach.
Here the familiar word `It depends' is used.
Under the above management concept, it is said that not all situations are the same. Thus it depends.
We can easily apply this concept to Feng Shui and when we replace the word `management', we get the " Situational Approach to Feng Shui'.
And the key word is `It depends'
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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