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Hello Cecil: I met someone who had a FS audit done on her house. She bragged that she doesn't make a move without her practitioner advice - which I think is a little silly, we have to think for ourselves. Her house has an off-center staircase. The FS practitioner (don't know who) recommended that some rails be adjusted and now the staircase "curves" back into the center where she had a safe (cash, jewelry,etc)built. I don't have any other details - but I thought it was interesting in terms of Shapes and Forms, to "force" the qui into the valuables safe. What is your opinion on this? Just curious. Thank you.
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Dear Elena,
Thanks for sharing with us the information.
I know it is not possible but, usually, it is best to look at the entire layout plan.
Here, we can look at the entire house in relation to the centrepoint plus the curve of the staircase and the position and size of the vault room.
The safest, in a staircase is the `standard', profile that neither `cuts' or slices any other part of the house. But again, it is still best to look at the layout plan before comments can be made.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/15/00 12:19:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello Cecil: I met someone who
had a FS audit done on her
house. She bragged that she
doesn't make a move without
her practitioner advice -
which I think is a little
silly, we have to think for
ourselves. Her house has an
off-center staircase. The FS
practitioner (don't know who)
recommended that some rails be
adjusted and now the staircase
"curves" back into the center
where she had a safe (cash,
jewelry,etc)built. I don't
have any other details - but I
thought it was interesting in
terms of Shapes and Forms, to
"force" the qui into the
valuables safe. What is your
opinion on this? Just curious.
Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hello Cecil: I didn't tell her I'm a FS practitioner and didn't go after any other info. It turned me off the way she bragged about being wealthy. Meanwhile, at the gathering, her husband's eye is wandering over every single woman. How wealthy can she really be if her husband behaves like that? Wealthy is when your husband only has eyes for you. LOL Maybe the practitioner should focus on helping them stay together. Just thought the center staircase story was interesting. Thank you.
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