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My home faces southwest. My birth date is December 8, 1968. I am an Eastern type, and my relationship direction is south. This year, the south is the direction of the five yellows, so I have read I should not energize this corner. What can I do this year to enhance my relationship/romance luck? I am interested in attracting a partner, as I am not currently in a relationship. My bedroom is in the Northern corner of the house (or the northeastern area, if you count the attached garage as part of the house). It is in the knowledge area, on the traditional feng shui bagua. What can I do to enhance the relationship aspect of the room and still enhance my knowledge area?
Additionally, although the house faces southwest, to the street, my front door is not on the wall facing the street, but on the side facing northwest (I have an inset porch and an attached garage to boot). Is this bad for me, since I am an Eastern type? What can I do to counteract any bad luck this might generate?
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Dear Vicki,
Please see below:-

On 5/17/00 2:08:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
My home faces southwest. My
birth date is December 8,
1968. I am an Eastern type,
and my relationship direction
is south. This year, the south
is the direction of the five
yellows, so I have read I
should not energize this
1. Although South generally is the direction of the five yellows, this needs to be personalised to a person's house in order to acurately determine its effect.

2. This is because, what was briefly mentioned as South = five yellows, belongs to the Flying Star Theory.
3. But Flying Star Theory, goes further than this simplistic view.
4. Each home falls under one of the 24 mountains (or we call this 24 compass directions).
5. Usually, the relationship of the mountain and water stars are looked at inrelation to the base number. And not in isolation. This 20 year period is then looked at in relation to the Flying Star of the house, for this year.

What can I do this
year to enhance my
relationship/romance luck? I
am interested in attracting a
partner, as I am not currently
in a relationship. My bedroom
is in the Northern corner of
the house (or the northeastern
area, if you count the
attached garage as part of the
house). It is in the knowledge
area, on the traditional feng
shui bagua. What can I do to
enhance the relationship
aspect of the room and still
enhance my knowledge area?

6. The problem with Fixed Template Feng Shui either based on the `Black hat Sect' or fixing a location such as SW the romance corner is not often reliable as this is too general.
7. I have given examples in the past like:
8. Lets say both of us are office colleagues. And there is this beautiful girl.
9. In addition to the two of us, another colleague also is trying to `woo' the girl.
10. The three of us are `aware' that say South West is the romance sector. Should each of us outbid each other. In my home, I place 12 roses at that sector.
11. Our another colleague placed 24 roses. But you outbid us all by placing 999 roses on your South West corner.
12. Does all these make sense?
13. Perhaps, the three of us become over confident, by doing all these that we really truly forgot to `woo' the girl.
14. She ends up not being with any of us but someone who, goes directly and gives her just one stalk of rose.
15. Hope you can understand the rationale that statistically, if 100,000 people placed roses or enhance, their romance corner, the only person to beneifit are the florist not any one of us.
16. One must understand therefore, that Feng Shui need not necessary be a `cure all'.
Feng Shui is about, boosting a person's luck. Thus, a holistic approach to Feng Shui should include:-
- Shapes and Form School accessessment
- Eight House, good and bad directions and how suitable the house is to the breadwinner.
- Flying Star analysis.
Under Flying Star analysis, there is a specific romance sector. But because of time dimensions, the sector `flies' or moves so that is quite elusive to locate.
Under Flying Star, it does not happen in all homes. But if there are two star combinations, and if it relates to an interpretation of a good romance sector favourable to the owner, this can be enhanced but not all houses may has this combination.
The above are the most common way to improve one's luck and then, once once's luck improves, usually, other factors improve.
Feng Shui is not a quick fix solution and enhancing, does not necessary guarantee success.
For example, if there is a `leak' in a boat, or in a house, where, there may be inauspicious sectors that need to be balanced.
The first priority is to cure these imbalances first. Before even beginning to enhance other factors.
Imagine, each time water leaks into a boat, one is like fighting fire or applying `first aid'. Thus one should break this vicious cycle first. (When applying Feng Shui)>

Additionally, although the
house faces southwest, to the
street, my front door is not
on the wall facing the street,
but on the side facing
northwest (I have an inset
porch and an attached garage
to boot). Is this bad for me,
since I am an Eastern type?
What can I do to counteract
any bad luck this might

Generally, under Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui (without considering a person's Kua number), a door on the side of a house need not be considered bad.
This is because, it may even be beneficial, especially since seldom if any poison arrows can be aimed (unintentionally) at the main door.
As for the Kua number, it only says generally whether how suitable you are to the house. For example, the death / disaster sector is at the main entrance means that it is considered an `unsuitable' house to you.
Other than Feng Shui, perhaps, you can relook your situation, to see if you can see any other opportunity or activies that can help you meet a girl.
As mentioned above, Feng Shui is a holistic method and all the necessary ground work has to be done for it to take into effect.
It is not like paying `homage' to a certain sector of the house. I believe, this can be frustrating and misleading.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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