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Dear cecil,
I have read somewhere that certain fish like discus does produce killing chi'.
Also some even said that it is inauspicious to keep fish that is odd in shape.
Fish shop owners would recommend arowana as feng shui fish (it is said to bring wealth).
Is the above true?
Thank you
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Dear Steven,
Please see below:-

On 5/22/00 6:42:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
I have read somewhere that
certain fish like discus does
produce killing chi'.
Also some even said that it is
inauspicious to keep fish that
is odd in shape.

Generally these are simply beliefs. And subject to various comments for and against it.

Fish shop owners would
recommend arowana as feng shui
fish (it is said to bring

It is best not to rely too much on the words of Fish Shop owners. Unfortunately, because of the spread of such beliefs, many people do take the `information' provided seriously.
Here, one should see if there are any `hidden' agenda.
Arowana fishes, depending on their size and `breed' are not cheap.
Thus, the potential to make more profit exists selling such fishes against even popular but cheap fishes.
If one can sell us a Mercedes Benz, the profit to be made may be much higher than buying a cheaper car.
Selling Kois are popular because, they can be quite costly depending on the breed again.
Warmest Regards,

Is the above true?
Thank you

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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