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Bought Lillian Too book "Easy to use Feng Shui 168 ways to success".
followed some of the methods exactly from the book like;
hanging a windchimes facing North (above the front door) which has five metal rods.
putting a three chinese coins with red ribbon in my wallet.
placing a three legged frog with coin positioned diagonally opposite the front door
under the dining table.
How come I don't see any result yet?
my shares(stock) investment are getting worst.
there is no signs for me getting any promotions.
Do I need to do anything else?
Appreciate your reply.
KM Chan
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Dear Chan,
Nowadays, because of the poor success after following such books, many people are disillusioned with Feng Shui.
The following are the main considerations:
1. Usually, from my opinion, if a person has stayed in a house for more than 3 years and the situation is much the same; one cannot expect a Quantum Leap in Feng Shui.
2. Here, most of the time, there is either poor Shapes and Form for the house or the house is unsuitable to the person or a combination of both.
3. In addition, if one is frequently sick or have problems in the house, usually certain sectors of the house is not-balanced.
4. Imagine this:
Many of us are too concerned or have been wrongly advised to concentrate on "enhancers" (whether they are beneficial or not).
However, if there are `leaks' or imbalance in a house, no matter how much we enhance, if it is a boat, water will slowly but surely pour into the boat. If one is not careful, the boat will eventually sink.
5. In my opinion, such books comes close to Kindergarten Feng Shui and is a rich source of Fast Food Feng Shui.
6. In my opinion again, I feel that such authors are not doing anyone a favour. In fact it is a pity as it gives authentic Feng Shui a very bad name and `after taste'.
7. I believe it is real sad that even if the author makes money but if we look at it carefully, you not only had to spent money buying the book, but spent quite a tidy some buying eg. the three legged toad and other `enhancers'.
8. There are many Feng Shui concepts and principles and what we can do for the majority of us is to apply those principles that work for most people, in the `hope' that it will work for us as well.
9. Even if one approach a doctor, they will aways say or give a percentage of chance that it will or will not `work'.
10. In quite a lot of messages, I mentioned that the most `potent' Feng Shui school is the Shapes and Form.
Here, if one is blessed with an excellent home, one can have a quantum leap in LUCK.
Thus, there are many people, who bought a nice home and prospered, and never ever knowing what Feng Shui is.
11. For those who are `less fortunate' e.g. frequently have sickness or constantly have misfortune in the home are good candidates for the use of both Shapes and Form and Flying Star Feng Shui analysis.
12. For those, who live a life of work, work and work and play, could try to use Feng Shui to find out more of their Earth Luck.
And use Pillars of Destiny to map out their Heaven's Luck. By knowing the Heaven Luck, one can try to change some of it.
13. If all the above sound too difficult to follow, there are two considerations:
13.1 One may seriously consider employing a competent FS practitioner or
13.2 Take time to understand each Feng Shui theory and try to apply them as realistic as one can.
14. There are two types of Book Authors.
The good author focus on letting people understand the concepts and highlight the strenghts and weakness or what are the tools used to cure or enhance. But never recommending `Fast Food' Feng Shui to anyone.
15. The sad case about the author you mentioned is that, instead of focusing objectively on just the principles and concept, in my opinion, the author `leads' people to apply Feng Shui without due regard to proper Feng Shui.
16. We have to remember that too little knowledge is a dangerous thing and the sad thing is that when people are `in trouble', we end up looking to the wrong type of help.
Authentic Feng Shui, does not necessary mean spending money to buy enhancers. It is also not Fast Food Feng Shui or kindergarten Feng Shui.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/26/00 8:25:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Bought Lillian Too book "Easy
to use Feng Shui 168 ways to
followed some of the methods
exactly from the book like;
hanging a windchimes facing
North (above the front door)
which has five metal rods.
putting a three chinese coins
with red ribbon in my wallet.
placing a three legged frog
with coin positioned
diagonally opposite the front
under the dining table.
How come I don't see any
result yet?
my shares(stock) investment
are getting worst.
there is no signs for me
getting any promotions.
Do I need to do anything else?
Appreciate your reply.
KM Chan

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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