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Dear cecil,
I also have read the book by author Biolin Wu. I wanted to know is there such thing as
Taoist feng shui. Secondly, the author says that he belongs to the white cloud monastery in China. But I read somewhere that the religion is banned in China that monks are not allowed to practise their religion. So what is the truth. Do monastery exists in China. Thanks.
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Dear Anon;
I read the same book and asked Cecil about it in the General Advice section. You can go there and see his answer to me.
On a more direct note, I have noticed that I have a greater personal affinity towards this type (Taoist) of Feng Shui because of its usage of more intuitive methods than the other schools of Feng Shui. As a practicing minister I have found it to be the "finishing school" so to speak, in my study and use of Feng Shui and that by my congregation. I would however tell anyone that the use of more than one school is of greater benefit and provides a wider field of accuracy. While reading and using Dr. Baolin Wu's book I noticed a deeper perception of the Universe around me and Chi in it's various aspects. I'm sure that if you try some of the Qi Gong exercises found in the book, you will say the same also. Since Taoism in it's pure state is just now being perceived here in the West, it will be some time before the general public is able to shed it's negative pre-conceived notions about this system. That is what makes a Dr. Wu so important and intriguing. Let's talk more about this. I'm just like you, I really want to know more about this subject.
Rev. John Willis
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