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A bit of a challenge for a newie to feng shui!
Setting up a business from home, my pa kua.. number is 8 and the office is situated in the south east of the house. a poison arrow exists in the form of an overhead beam that is situated in the south sector of the house (as the office is in both south and southeast sectors, however, primarily in the southeast).
The door faces North and my favourable facing position is the North East (being Number 8)for personal development but according to the Pau Kua theory I should be facing the South West in order to enhance wealth.
This South west facing position would mean that my back is to the door..... what should I do? Is it better to face the North/North East which is also favourable and enhances 'peace' or is it better to sit with my back to the door and window and face south west?
I really need to know the answer to this question as it is of great importance to me.
Any tips please.
PS also there is a marine saltwater fish tank downstairs also in the South East sector of the house!
PPS .. the business is a marketing consultancy
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