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Would adopting a chinese name to balance out your Pillars (in addition to the other cures)help? The english equivalent (i.e. water or metal names like River & Silver) sometimes are silly. Is there any way around this for the Westerners? Thank you!
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Dear Elena,
1. This is a relatively new area for `western' names.
2. For the Chinese, this is easy as "Geomancy of finding a Name" is in place and as mentioned in a recent earlier message, there are three main Methods of Name finding.
3. Some Feng Shui or `Geomancy' practitioners I know, simply count the number of characters of a person's name e.g. George (6 characters) Livingstone (11 characters) and then `map' it to either YIN or YANG.
Then use this to tell their clients that their name is either too yin, too yang or `balanced'.
Well, this is in my opinion, the easiest way to find out if a `name' is too yin or too yang or balanced. But, as this is relatively new, not sure if it is that accurate.
4. There are some Mandarin/English translation books that provides the Mandarin eqivalent of a `Westerner's' name and `convert' this to Mandarin.
5. Mostly, this is for `seal carving' where you get your seal in Mandarin words that closely resemble either the meaning of your name or if it has no meaning, the phonetic sound of it.
6. This is a grey area and more needs to be looked into especially for `Western' names.
7. Geomancy is quite vast and it not only encompass, Finding a good name but face reading, hand reading etc...
Warmest Regards,

On 6/30/00 8:50:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Would adopting a chinese name
to balance out your Pillars
(in addition to the other
cures)help? The english
equivalent (i.e. water or
metal names like River &
Silver) sometimes are silly.
Is there any way around this
for the Westerners? Thank

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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