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I am becoming interested in Feng Shui as I bought a house (finally!) and have moved in lots of boxes (in the basement and attic), but have hardly any furnishings.I will only be able to buy a few necessary items to be organized for my son and myself. So I am trying to figure out placement and use of space based around that. Color is also very important to our mood. His birthday is Apr. 9, 1988, 6:39AM (Earth Dragon) and I am Aug. 5, 1955 (Earth Ram). The front door is North,with porch steps bending from west,the Driveway door is West, the back door is South. From what I've read so far, every room is in the wrong place, lighting is bad, beds face wrong way - I am overwhelmed and don'tt know where to start! What will make a difference and allow me to gradually regain harmony and do what else needs to be done? Can you help me to figure out what to do?

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Oops, talk about stress. The driveway of my house is on the EAST side, not West, as I originally stated. I believe that is a more positive direction, as we do enter the house from that side from the car.
I was thinking of adding steps and a path to the front porch from the sidewalk on the west side, since I thought that from inside the house, the front door is on the right, not the (auspicious) left.

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  • Staff

Dear Anon,

"From what I've read so far, every room is in the wrong place, lighting is
bad, beds face wrong way - I am overwhelmed and don'tt know where to start!

My personal advise is that if you are doing Feng Shui on your own, not to do
it in a real `hurry'. For those who want to do it immediately should consult
a competent Feng Shui practitioner.

Otherwise, if you want to do it on your own shoul spent time understanding
at LEAST the following MAIN TOPICS:-

1. Shapes and Form
2. Compass Schools: Flying Star and Eight House.

Alternatively, many people have lived without ever knowing what Feng Shui is
and are equally successful in their live.
Some people have also relied on their `sixth-sense' and are equally

For the colors, one can use neutral colors such as white or pastel colors
for the home. (This is not considering Feng Shui).

Warmest Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "free-advice Listmanager"
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 7:06 AM
Subject: Colors for my house?

From: "Anon"

I am becoming interested in Feng Shui as I bought a house (finally!) and
have moved in lots of boxes (in the basement and attic), but have hardly any
furnishings.I will only be able to buy a few necessary items to be organized
for my son and myself. So I am trying to figure out placement and use of
space based around that. Color is also very important to our mood. His
birthday is Apr. 9, 1988, 6:39AM (Earth Dragon) and I am Aug. 5, 1955 (Earth
Ram). The front door is North,with porch steps bending from west,the
Driveway door is West, the back door is South. From what I've read so far,
every room is in the wrong place, lighting is bad, beds face wrong way - I
am overwhelmed and don'tt know where to start! What will make a difference
and allow me to gradually regain harmony and do what else needs to be done?
Can you help me to figure out what to do?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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