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Dear Vincent,
1. If you have not purchased the painting(S), it is advisable not to place a painting of a water feature in the bedroom (if you can).
2. This is because one `incompatiblity' is because, water positions (real water or symbolic represents Yin elements. Too much water results in too Yin elements).
3. The bedroom is in general, suppose to be more Yin than Yang. (Yin represents rest and Yang activity).
4. Some other FS practitioners would say that too much water i.e. even in paintings especially placed in the room may cause difficulty as too much water itself represents difficulty.
5. This is why, for example, advise is usually not to have a water position at the centre of a house or on the roof e.g. blue tiles on the roof.
6. When a person is suppose to go for an operation, the doctor will advise the patient what are his chances. For example, the doctor will say, that the chances are 60% successful for such an operation.
7. A parallel can also be drawn to Feng Shui. Most Feng Shui theories, could apply to most people.
8. For example, if there is a poison aimed at the main door, most Feng Shui practitioners may say that the chances of `inauspiciousness' affecting the person is e.g. 80%. Perhaps, maybe because of circumstances, or if one has better luck to compensate this, this `20%' may not be affected by it.
9. Thus, what we are always trying to find are situations where, it will most likely either affect a person or alternatively find cures that could succeed. But this is not always 100% successful as mentioned under Para 8. above.
Warmest Regards,

On 7/13/00 11:04:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
To whom that may help me:
I am currently renting a room
and I live by myself. I was
wondering if it is o.k. or
advisable to put water feature
such as Paintings that
features rivers, ponds,
waterfall or lake in the
BEDROOM? Please help!!!
Thank You!
Vincent Phuong

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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