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Dear cecil,
Nobody has ever seen the wife of current party leader or wife of any member of party
in China? My friend says may be all of them are unmarried? May be its their policy that all the members and leader should be unmarried or may the women/ girls are afraid to marry them? So what is the truth. Thanks
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Dear Anon,
In my opinion, this is not true. On the contrary, many Chinese party officials remarry after the demise of their wife.
For example:
The late Chairman Mao remarried Mdm Jiang Jing (who later tried to take power) after he died. His earlier wife died and he then married Mdm Jiang
The most recent President Jiang, also has a wife.
Many other party officials have a family also.
It is the belief that to be `respected' one must not be a `bachelor'.
Therefore, in my opinion, it is not that girls are afraid to marry them but rather, usually their wife's play a low key position (or seemed to play a low key).
Warmest Regards,

On 7/22/00 12:07:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
Nobody has ever seen the wife
of current party leader or
wife of any member of party
in China? My friend says may
be all of them are unmarried?
May be its their policy that
all the members and leader
should be unmarried or may the
women/ girls are afraid to
marry them? So what is the
truth. Thanks

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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