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Dear Selyn,
--- This is an extract from one of the past messages placed by a user in this form under the conference "Books on Feng Shui":-

If you are interested in quick
answers to your questions try
the book called
The Pocket I-Ching by author
Melyan & Chu.
It categories the questions
under different
headings called Wish,
Marriage, Love, Family,
children, Capital loan,
Business, Stock market, Life
span, Sickness, and the list
goes on.

I found this book is interesting and allows one to apply "I-Ching" immediately taking into consideration all the above.
Another user (posted this message in the above same conference).
The reader's recommendation is as follows:-
"Any one interested in the Yi Jing Coin Oracle book should find it at the back of the book called "Secrets of Chinese Astrology * A Handbook for Self-Discovery" by the author Kwan Lau. "
Note: I personally have not read this book but you can try.
Alternatively, you can go to Amazon.com to do a search for other similar titles.
In my opinion, most if not all the methods recommended on how to `proceed' is basic and simple to understand (practically) in all books.
What is more important is to find a book that provides one with the `interpretation' "afterwards." Here, in my opinion, "The Pocket I-Ching by author
Melyan & Chu" is `value for money'.
Warmest Regards,

On 8/22/00 9:52:21 AM, Anonymous wrote:
From : Selyn Thng
Dear Cecil,
I would like to find out more
I-Ching, which books would you
for a beginner.
Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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