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Dear Jo Yong,
Yes, a major renovation will change the birth chart of a home. For example, if a home was constructed under Period 5 to say this current period i.e. Period 6.
As the term suggests, it has to be a major renovation.
Examples of major renovations include:-
1. Alterations in a home such as hacking of walls especially the bedroom walls.
2. For a landed property housing, removing the roof of the house changes its birth chart.
3. Combinations of Para 1 and hacking of floor tiles / replacing them.
4. More `technical' method such as repainting the ceiling is symbolic and used by some FS practitioners as a `cheap' alternative which was felt to `symbolically' alter the birth chart of the house.
5. What you mentioned below:

Is repainting whole house +
new built-in kitchen cabinets
+ re-carpetting = major

In my opinion, the above is not considered a major renovation.
Warmest Regards,

On 9/14/00 10:57:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil
You mentioned that a house's
period will change following
major renovation to the house,
eg. change from 5th period to
7th period. Thus what is
considered major renovation?
Is repainting whole house +
new built-in kitchen cabinets
+ re-carpetting = major
Warmest regards

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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