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What color is best for a child's bedroom?

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Dear Oleta,
1. Frankly, and in my opinion, there are no hard or fast `rules' with regards to the color in a child's room.
2. But rather, it depends. Here, it depends on the location of the bedroom.
For example, if the bedroom is facing a west location e.g. windows with direct sunlight that comes into the room. Then use cooler colours or a neutral colour such as white. Here, pink etc.. is not quite appropriate.
3. Some Feng Shui practitioners believe that the bedroom should (I use the word can) be painted to suit the child's Ba Zhi or element. This is quite a common advise provided by many FS practitioners.
However, as I always believe, it depends on the level of participation or non-participation in Feng Shui.
If one considers Feng Shui as a passing `fad' and do not really want to go indepth into using FS tools; need not paint the bedroom based on a child's Ba Zhi element.
4. Here, what one can do is to briefly understand the Yin and Yang concept.
As mentioned ealrier under Para 2, one important factor is the amount of natural light that goes into the child's room. In relation also the windows in the room and the type of curtain used.
5. For a growing up child, his / her room can be more Yang than say an adult's room.
One can still have the room painted in neutral white and paste colourful posters say for a child at the age of 3 years or more.
As the child grows up, their study table can be more Yang, e.g. the wall or even the table / chair can be more Yang, to encourage activity. For example, the table can still use neutral white (Yang).
While, the sector where the bed is can be `more cosy' or more Yin.
Thus, there is no hard and fast rule to this.
As a parent, I believe, one can make a good judgement and create the right balance:)
Warmest Regards,

On 9/20/00 5:06:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
What is the best color for a
child's bedroom

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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