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Hi Cecil,
Thanks to all your Feng Shui recommendations, I've finally gotten my bills under control and am planing to move in November. I'm sure I've learn enough from reading your entries to choose a better living situation than I am in now. (Actually, as you know, even if I was blind folded and did not applied any Feng Shui at, it would be hard to find a place with more negatives than the one I'm in now.:) But I'm still confused as the best way to choose a place that is both beneficial for my boyfriend and myself, since he is an east facing person and I am a west.
In one of the entries that you've sent to me, you said, to look at the Ba Zhi Feng Shui principles, our element and strength and relate it to each sector. The sector that is not in harmony with us should be noted. Ba Zhi Feng Shui is more specific and should be considered more important then the Eight House Theory.
Since both my boyfriend and I are weak water, our Ba Zhi Feng Shui charts had the exact same good and bad sectors, so shall I go by this theory in looking for a suitable house?
Cheui May
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Dear Cheui May,
1. Since you are aware of your element and strength, using it is more accurate means of looking at the compatiblitiy of the home and the individual sectors of your home.
2. The reason is because, when one looks at the Eight House Theory, we generally use only the YEAR of birth to derive our personal GUA (KUA) number. However, under Pillars of Destiny, we use the YEAR; MONTH; DAY and (if the TIME of birth is available) use all 4 Pillars = Eight Elements (Stem and branches) to deduce our true element and strength.
3. Since the common denominator is the Five Elements, we know that each element or each sector represents an element e.g. North = Water element; South = Fire.
Thus, in this context, when we apply our Ba Zhi or Pillars e.g. element and strength; with each sector and or the main entrance of the house, we are in effect, practising basic Ba Zhi Feng Shui.
4. My personal advise is that `Excellent' houses are hard to come by or sometimes by luck we have the opportunity to acquire one.
`Excellent' house is one which has really good Shapes and Form; from a Feng Shui Master's perspective can accumlate and retain wealth.
Thus sometimes, it can be quite elusive to find such a home.
5. But rather, majority of the time it is much easier to find a `GOOD' home.
6. Frankly, it takes years of understanding and `weightage' to be able to pick a good home. Thus, for those who are not FS practitioners, try, (try) to as I mentioned, score on many points related to the various FS theories.
7. Some excellent homes may have poison arrow aimed at it but this is usually curable.
Contrast `poison' arrow with fundamental problems e.g. lots of missing corners especially in the North etc... or toilets located wrongly. These are fundamental problems and difficult to solve unless in my opinion; one "knocks them down".
Warmest Regards,

On 9/23/00 5:42:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
Thanks to all your Feng Shui
recommendations, I've finally
gotten my bills under control
and am planing to move in
November. I'm sure I've learn
enough from reading your
entries to choose a better
living situation than I am in
now. (Actually, as you know,
even if I was blind folded and
did not applied any Feng Shui
at, it would be hard to find a
place with more negatives than
the one I'm in now.:) But I'm
still confused as the best way
to choose a place that is both
beneficial for my boyfriend
and myself, since he is an
east facing person and I am a
In one of the entries that
you've sent to me, you said,
to look at the Ba Zhi Feng
Shui principles, our element
and strength and relate it to
each sector. The sector that
is not in harmony with us
should be noted. Ba Zhi Feng
Shui is more specific and
should be considered more
important then the Eight House
Since both my boyfriend and I
are weak water, our Ba Zhi
Feng Shui charts had the exact
same good and bad sectors, so
shall I go by this theory in
looking for a suitable house?
Cheui May

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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