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I would like some advice on the Feng Shui art. My children seem to rule the house no matter what we do. Maybe it is the way their rooms need to be arranged? I have two boys who have to share a room...one is 10 and the other is 2. My daughter, (she is 4) has her own room. (No way the boys could share with her) I love the outside of my home..but the inside has MUCH to be desired. We just bought this home a year ago. It is a good home but needs some tips. I was thinking of painting the living room a two tone shade. The kids rooms...well, I need some help there. Please give all the free advice you like...Thanks, Kim
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  • Staff

Dear Kim,
In this area, in my opinion, it is best to utilise the best of other `disciplines' such parent/child relationships etc..
In Chinese `arts', it usually involves looking at:
1. The relationship of each member's element and strength and how they `react' to each other. For example, a child can be a strong fire element and the parent e.g. a weak water element thus `weakening the parent.
2. The use of Yin and Yang harmony in the various rooms. Colors etc...
Although Para 1 and 2 can be looked at; as I mentioned earlier, other human / personnel or relationship studies/developments would (I fee) be more valuable in solving your problems.
Warmest Regards,

On 9/24/00 1:01:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I would like some advice on
the Feng Shui art. My
children seem to rule the
house no matter what we do.
Maybe it is the way their
rooms need to be arranged? I
have two boys who have to
share a room...one is 10 and
the other is 2. My daughter,
(she is 4) has her own room.
(No way the boys could share
with her) I love the outside
of my home..but the inside has
MUCH to be desired. We just
bought this home a year ago.
It is a good home but needs
some tips. I was thinking of
painting the living room a two
tone shade. The kids
rooms...well, I need some help
there. Please give all the
free advice you like...Thanks,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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