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Dear Anon,
In my opinion, there is some truth in what you had mentioned although it does not have to do with auspicious or inauspiciousness.
The reason is because, as many villages and places have abundance of wood (material), it is natural to obtain common and cheap objects (yet strong and sturdy) such as bamboos etc...
At the same time, objects especially display stands are usually made of wood as they can easily be carved with intricate designs.
Many homes usually display e.g. an elaborate vase with a wooden stand. Few if any of such stands are made of metal.
Under the Five Elements concept:
Wood destroys or control Earth.
Thus, in terms of balance, one would realise that since we have an object e.g. a vase (EARTH element), it is always good (harmony) to use a woodedn stand (WOOD ELEMENT).
Thus, traditional Chinese furniture or display unit are made of wood e.g. rosewood etc... and porcelian (EARTH) element are placed onto these furniture.
Since Wood controls Earth, this provides some balance. Even under conditions of Bad Earth such as Misfortune #5 or Sickness #2.
Hope the above helps those who have porcelian objects and make use of either a vase stand or if one displays a porcelian plate, one should use a wooden display stand to help create a balance.
Warmest Regards,

On 9/30/00 9:45:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
I read somewhere that chinese
people consider it bad
/inauspicious to use metal
plant stand. Is it true? They
say that one should only use
wooden plant stand preferably
bamboo plant stand. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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