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Personal Self - [PFS-POD] Balance Element Report


    This report helps users identify whether the elements in their birth chart is balanced. This allows a person to be able to adjust their elements accordingly to create the most balanced situation.


    It help you get the best out of your life by creating harmony for yourself.

What is needed?

    Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed.

Where to generate report?

  • URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net

  • After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Paid Reports.

  • Select the Balance of Five Element Report.

Quick URL to access report?

Sample of generated report?

(c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources

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Balancing of Five Element
Feng Shui is about harmony and balance.
Similiarly for Pillars of Destiny balance is the key to harmony.
Just like usually when we identify a person's personal element, we often deduce if it is weak element or strong element.
It is ideal to obtain a balanced element. However, it is virtually imposible to obtain a balanced element. Partially due to the ever changing element influence of the year, month, day & hour.
Best we can do is to try to achieve a reasonable state of balance.
Generally to do this we try to create balance in two areas:-
1. based on the True Element
2. based on the Ba Zi Birth Chart.
1. True Element
If the person is deduced to be weak wood, then to balance it, we normally try to balance it by strengthening it with water.
2. Ba Zi Birth Chart
In addition to the basic way to enhancing or balancing your element is to based on the total elements you have in your chart.
Five Element: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire & Earth
In order to achieve perfect balance is to have 20% of each element which will mean a total of 100%.
However, it is not easy due to the fact the different element has a different element strength. Thus making it even harder to calculate and create the necessary balance.
So this report helps to provide you with a detailed analysis of the balance of element based on the Year, Month, Day, Hour, House of Life & House of Death.
So in general, if the a particular element is greater than 20% than it is considered much. If it is less than 20% then it is considered to little.
So if too much, we much reduce it by using eiether the production or destruction element.
Hope that you find this resource useful.
(c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
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