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Home / Office - House Number Report


    This report allows you to see if your apartment number is auspicious or not.


    If you are about to purchase your home, you might like to check the house number of the remaining units to see which unit is better for you.

What is needed?

    Unit Number and the Year the house was built.

Where to generate report?

Quick URL to access report?

Sample of generated report?

(c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources

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Case Study Example for Which unit is better for me?
I am about to buy a new house. I have decided on a specific layout. There are several units left #02-443, #07-443 & #10-443. I have checked that this particular layout suits me & my family very well for the house I want. Which unit is better for me? Is it the 2nd floor, 7th floor or #10 floor?
Unit Number to Check: #02-443, #07-443, #10-443
Year the House is Built: 1970
1. What do I need to know?
a. The unit number you wish to check up (eg. #07-443, #10-443)
b. The year the house was built (eg. 1970)
2. Generating the Report
Generate 3 house number report each for the different unit number.
3. Reading the Report
Using example report generated. Assuming this is the report for the unit #10-443.
URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/house/house_number.htm
- Go straight to the section "81 Interpretation".
- Read the explanation to see if it is good or bad.
- Go straight to the section "Five Element Analysis".
- Read the explanation to see if it is good or bad.
Generally for this House Number report, there can only be Auspicious or Inauspicious.
Nothing more nothing less.
Compare the 3 units report and select the unit which provided you with the most auspicious report.
In this case, lets assume that #10-433 is a very auspicious unit. Thus, you since you are purchasing a new home, you should choose #10-433 as your most favourable unit.
This is because the layout of the Flying Star for all 3 units are the same given that it is exactly the same unit except for the different level the house is found.
Each level of in a flat possess a different level of auspicious and inauspicious analysis.
Thus this report does exactly this to find the most auspicious unit from the 3 same flying star report.
4. Final Results
In this example, our advice is to choose #10-433 as the best unit to purchase.
Well, isn't it simple?
Hope that this case study helps you understand how to make use of this report better.
(c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
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Frequently Asked Question for House Number Report.
Q. Can this report be used for a non-apartment unit?
A. No. This report is ONLY meant for unit number in a flat. This report is supposed to help find a good unit among the same design of a particular house.
This means that say when we use the Flying Star to analyse the house and found that this particular layout and house is good, we need to see which level is better. As each level has a different level of auspicious and inauspicious influence.
Thus, when finding a good unit, we need to firstly find a house based on Flying Star Report. Next, is to find the best influence amongs the different level for the same unit.
Q. What if the result of the house number is inauspicious?
A. Well, unfortunately, there is no way to fix this problem. Anyway, not to worry, this analysis affects very little as compared to a good flying star report.
Q. Which report takes priority, the flying star or the house number?
A. You should make sure that the house is a very good Feng Shui based on the Flying Star report.
The house number is the next issue to look at after you have obtain the best flying star report.
This means that if for example the House Number is extremely good, but the Flying Star of the house shows a very inauspicious house, then you should choose another house altogether.
On the other hand, if the flying star of the house shows a very good house, while the House Number shows a less auspicious house, you can still choose this unit as compared to finding a new unit altogether.
Thus, Flying Star analysis is more important than this House Number report.
(c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources

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