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Auspicious Dates - Date for a Month Report


    This report provides you with a very personalised auspicious date report based on the concept of Pillars of Destiny.


    It helps you in finding a good date to move into your new house. Or simply find a good date for an important event.

What is needed?

    Name, Gender, Date of Birth and Hour of birth of the person and the Month and Year which you wish to generate the report.

Where to generate report?

Quick URL to access report?

Sample of generated report?

    Free edition will treat birth element as weak element (eg. weak wood) plus only provide analysis for 1st 10 days of that month.

(c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources

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Case Study Example for Auspicious Date for Entire Month.
How to find a good date for moving into a new house?
Breadwinner: Samuel Richard Samuel Richard (Male - 06 Mar 1970)
Date to move in: between Jan to Feb 1999
1. What do I need to know?
a. The breadwinner's personal info (Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour of Birth if known)
b. The Month & Year you roughly want to move in (eg. between Jan & Feb 1999).
2. Generating the Report
Generate two auspicious date report using the above requirements. One for the month of Jan 1999 and another for Feb 1999.
3. Reading the Report
Using example report generated. Assuming this is the report for the month of Jan 1999.
URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/date/date_month.htm
- Go straight to the section "Summary of the Auspicious Dates for this month".
- Look for any dates listed under "Very Auspicious".
- Under this example 3 Jan 1999, 8 Jan 1999 are listed as Very Auspicious.
So it is very likely that you will wish to choose either 3 Jan 1999 or 8 Jan 1999 as the likely dates to move into your new home.
- Otherwise, if "Very Auspicious" is not found. Then look under "Auspicious" for the next best dates to move into the house.
In this example, you will find that there are significantly more Auspicious Dates as compared to Very Auspicious.
04 Jan 1999; 05 Jan 1999; 06 Jan 1999; 09 Jan 1999; 17 Jan 1999; 18 Jan 1999; 20 Jan 1999; 21 Jan 1999; 29 Jan 1999; 30 Jan 1999
Generally, these dates are also good dates, and sometimes when you cannot find a Very Auspicious date and you need to move into the house, choose any of the above dates.
4. Final Results
In this example, our advice to Samuel Richard would be to move into the house on 3 Jan 1999 or 8 Jan 1999 for the best dates favourable to him.
Well, isn't it simple? No need to waste your valuable time to hunt for a good date or spent hours searching the Lunar Calendar for a good date which is still not personalised to you.
Several Benefit
1. This auspicious date is specific to the breadwinner. This means that it is a date which is favourable personally to him.
Since he is breadwinner of the house, the auspicious date has to be for him.
Unlike normal good dates defined by Lunar Calendar, those dates are not specific for a particular individual. For example, the 1st day of the New Year is found to be a good date from the Tung Shu.
Does that mean that everyone who move in during that date is auspicious?
The answer is no. This is because that day may not be suitable for a certain person due to conflict of elements or animal sign.
2. This report does a check for each day's clashes and combinations, thus the result is significantly more accurate. This report thus takes into account the various clashes and combination which can affect whether a date is good for you or not.
Hope that this case study helps you understand how to make use of this report better.
(c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources

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Frequently Asked Question for Auspicious Date for an Entire Month.
Q. Is the report personalised to an individual?
A. Yes, it is extremely personalised to a single person as it takes into consideration the Year, Month, Day & Hour (if available) as well as comparing it to the combination & clashes of each day to your Eight Characters of Birth (Ba Zi) Chart.
Q. What kind of important dates can this report be used for?
A. There are many events we can use this report to help find a good date
- Finding a Good Date to move into a new home
- Finding a Good Date for Marriage or Engagement
- Finding a Good Date for the Opening Day of your business
- Finding a Good Date for any special event
Q. How to use the report?
A. It depends on what event you are trying to find a date for:-
(i) Good Dates for Moving House
- Require Breadwinner Information & the dates you want to move into.
- Choose from either Very Auspicious or Auspicious Dates
(ii) Good Dates for Marriage
- Require the Information for the two person (Bride & Bridegroom) & the dates you want to get married.
- Get date where both Bride & Bridegroom are good.
- Importantly, focus on having the likely head of the house Bridegroom having a better date eg. Very Auspicious while the Bride eg. Auspicious or Average.
(iii) Good Dates for Opening Day of Business
- Require Shop Owner's Information & the dates you want to move into.
- Choose from either Very Auspicious or Auspicious Dates
If there is more than one partner in the shop, choose the either two or one of the largest share owner. Or the person running the place.
(c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
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Other than the personalised method of finding good dates, in general, Chinese consider the following dates acceptable:-
1st Day and 15th Day of each Lunar Month or Full Moon days.
For example, very generally, Chinese consider 1st Day of 1st Month of the Lunar Calendar, 1st Day of the 2nd Month; 15th day of the 1st Month, 15th Day of the 2nd Month etc... in choosing a date which is considered auspicious.
The more accurate method is still analysing a person's element for the month which this report caters to.
If you are moving house; selecting a good date for marriage or engagement, it is still best to go for a detailed analysis. Otherwise, chose either 1st or 15th day of each Lunar Month:)
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Previously I took some time to compile a list of calendar events of Chinese festivals:
And list of Major and Minor Chinese Festivals.
Some of us, use this information to choose `auspicious' dates.
For example, on 16 October 2000, it is the Celebration of " Chinese Goddess of Mercy becoming a Bodhisttva ".
This is another method of finding a good date.
In addition, I made the effort to compile the extensive list of calendar of events is to share with fellow overseas Chinese, the significance of certain dates and providing a brief description of the event. This is a way of looking at our `roots'.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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