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Dear Wasis,
1. Initially when a tree is dead, there is no immediate concern.
2. However, it is not sure how long the tree is `dead' and the degree of `rot' that took place.
If the tree becomes a stump or part of the branch falls off, it may become a poison arrow. In such a situation, a broken tree stump and trunk would then become a poison arrow.
3. Later on, as decay sets in e.g. to the roots, this can become a cause of Sha Qi.
Thus, do monitor the situation and take appropriate action based on the above.
Warmest Regards,

On 10/23/00 1:27:36 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I notice that there are dead
trees in front of my main gate
and front door. Can they
both be considered as sha chi?
Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 2 weeks later...

What actions should I take based on below? And how if the tree is still alive? Thank

From: "Cecil Lee"
Dear Wasis,
1. Initially when a tree is dead, there is no immediate concern.
2. However, it is not sure how long the tree is `dead' and the degree of `rot' that
took place.
If the tree becomes a stump or part of the branch falls off, it may become a poison
arrow. In such a situation, a broken tree stump and trunk would then become a poison
3. Later on, as decay sets in e.g. to the roots, this can become a cause of Sha Qi.
Thus, do monitor the situation and take appropriate action based on the above.
Warmest Regards,
On 10/23/00 1:27:36 AM, Wasis Sugiono wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>I notice that there are dead
>trees in front of my main gate
>and front door. Can they
>both be considered as sha chi?
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Dear Wasis,
If the tree is still alive:
1. Check for any evidence of `roting' or decay.
If e.g a branch had decayed and part of the branch breaks leaving part of the broken branch hanging like a `poison' arrow; make sure that this `arm' or branch gets "amputated" as soon as possible. *JOKE*
Seriously, if one stands at the main entrance and facing out of the house, if the broken branch `act's like a knife cutting thru the house, then, cut off this branch as close as possible to the tree trunk.
2. On a regular basis, if the roots are visible, check if it is hollow / if possible the tree truck also with some solid object. If it sounds `empty', decay could have set in.
I do not want to sound so cruely as to say go `bang' against the tree but, we need to look at it like an ice-berg.
Or the case of a rotten apple, can look good outside.
3. Every three months, check the tree and evidence of e.g. (termites) or ant colony.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/5/00 7:11:49 AM, Anonymous wrote:
What actions should I take based
on below? And how if the tree is still
alive? Thank


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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