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Dear Steven,
1. As Castles come in various designs, shape and profile i.e. differing in their top-down view and elevation, depending on the castle, it may be classified differently.
2. Overall, in my opinon in a very general sense, I would normally, view a castle especially if it is squarish as of the earth element.
As mention, this is a general statement:
1. In my mind if the plot of land is squarish.
2. A castle because of the need for defense is always flat at the top even if there are towers e.g. at each corners. Even the towers are usually flat. (I am not referring to pointed roof toped `castles').
3. Castles are made of huge blocks of stones and in my mind, would be considered as a strong presence of earth element.
4. Usually castles has natural surfaces and in my opinion, should look greyish. Unless, if one repaints it red... and if there are quite a lot of pointed roofs, then it may take on another element. Especially if it is clustered together and there are many pointed towers.
Warmest Regards,

On 10/23/00 8:25:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I would like to know what
element does a shape of a
castle represent?
Thank you

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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