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Dear Cecil,
Thank you for all the information on how to find a good house. The discussion on main doors has lead me to another question.
Some Feng Shui practitioner describe the front of the house as the section that has the most activity, for example, the section that's facing the street or a beautiful view. It is not necessarily the sector with the main door, but it's obvious that it is the front, because it has a clear view. My question is, in a case like that, would you use that section as the front to cast a Flying Star Report even though there is no entrance from the outside from there?
Cheui May
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Dear Cheui May,
This is a very interesting question you have put up so let me explain a little here.
Flying Star is an extremely powerful tool that can apply to:-
- a plot of land
- a house or building
- a single house or apartment unit
- a small room
1. Usually, our website focuses on the single house or apartment unit. This means taking the main door of the house.
This is because we want to find the birth chart of the house which belongs to the owner.
Thus, we ask all users to find the most accurate direction of the main door.
2. However, flying star can also be used for analysis of the entire building itself. Similarly, it can also take the reading for the house and the exterior. (Meaning a Plot of land with the house)
So depending on which reading you wish to anlayse you take the main entrance based on the main door, main entrance of building, main entrance to the plot of land etc.
So you see the term house facing can be defined in a few manner. However, on our website we focus on the interior analysis of the house itself thus the facing of the house is often taken as the main door facing.
So in general, there can be several facing directions / frontage.
Some common frontage are:
- based on the main door (true house facing)
- based on the view of the living room for example (virtual house facing which you can see but cannot enter or exit)
- based on the house facing (this is where the door can be located on a different direction as compared to the house direction), etc.
Each can be used depending on what you are looking for. In the flying star for a house you need to take the true house facing. In the flying star for the plot of land you need to take the house or land facing. In relation to shapes and forms and flow of Qi, then you may need to take the virtual house facing.
Normally, when you relate to flying star it helps to determine the influence of the house only. Thus you need to know the flow of Qi (C'hi) based on the main door.
But when you take a broader view where shapes and forms of the plot of land is also considered, then often you take the frontage of the house as the good view from the living room for example.
Thus, when a house main door faces the pool on the exterior of the building it is considered good. Similarly if your frontage based on the living room also faces the pool it is also good.
So how you use them very much depends on what you want to analyse. All are not wrong, but you need to know when to use for ehich portion.
Hope that helps:)
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Some Feng Shui practitioner
describe the front of the
house as the section that has
the most activity, for
example, the section that's
facing the street or a
beautiful view. It is not
necessarily the sector with
the main door, but it's
obvious that it is the front,
because it has a clear view.
My question is, in a case like
that, would you use that
section as the front to cast a
Flying Star Report even though
there is no entrance from the
outside from there?

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Dear Cecil,
Thank you for this wealth of information. I can see that the flow of Qi can be a very illusive thing and why it takes many years to develop into a functioning Feng Shui practitioner.
My dilemma is choosing a good frontage for both my boyfriend and I since we are equal as breadwinners, unfortunately he's an east facing person and I'm a west. Since we both have 0% water, I guess a N, W or NW frontage with good Shapes and Forms would be the answer.
Cheui May
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