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Dear Elena,
1. It is interesting to note that currently, the majority of `cures' in Feng Shui today centres around the `metal element'.
2. Thus, it would not be uncommon to find `metal' cures that are being proposed such as:
2.1. the 6 coins (which represents big metal)
2.2. metallic wind chimes.
2.3. this include a Feng Shui (straight length metallic ruler).
2.4. Using a grandfather clock with its rythmic metallic tick-tock sound representing constant metallic sound.
3. Ideally, in my opinion, the safest `cure' is the use of the 6 coins. Where I mentioned above, 6 coins represent `big earth'.
4. When this cure is placed at a sector e.g. to cure an imbalance under the 20 year Flying Star analysis, one must not add another 6 coins at this sector if the proposed cure for the yearly or monthly Flying Star analysis say so.
5. Therefore, only one `cure' using the 6 coins is used. And not using two or more `cures' at the same sector. Two 6 coins is equivalent of twice the amount of metal which will create an imbalance at the sector. Since there will be too much metal.
6. Should one keen to use a wind chime instead at that sector, a better alternative is a grandfather clock.
Warmest Regards,

On 10/29/00 9:42:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Is the yearly cure enough for
a monthly remedy if both are
the same (i.e. metal for the
monthly cure where you have
metal already there for a 20
year cure) or do you need to
put up additional metal?
Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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