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Dear Maggie,
1. Based on what u had mentioned, there is no poison arrows (sharp corners) from the windows.
2. As for a double decker bed, some FS practitioners feel that to them, a bed above another bed is like the same concept of a `beam.'
In my opinion, as the bed is spread evenly above and furthermore, there are so many people in the world who had in one way or another sleep in such beds, there is I feel no issue on this for most of us.
Personally, when I was young had also slept in them. I personally did not as far as I can remember have any ill effects. Many people, I come across also do not face any problems also.
For those who may have sleep related problems, could either be mental stress or other problems. And even under certain conditions where a sector is out of balance.
For children, there can also be many other factors involved.
Warmest Regards,

On 10/31/00 2:29:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I have just came to realise
that my double decker bed (im
sleeping on the lower deck) is
in straight line facing the
window (2m away). During night
time, the window will be
closed and covered by a white
blind. Is there any fengshui

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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