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Dear cecil,
I have heard that one can apply the flying star on a plot of land. Can you please elaborate on this matter.
To my understanding if a house have a major renovation, The period of the house will change..... But on a plot of land ,ch'i is not capture inside as it has no walls so how do we determine the period of the land?
Thank you.
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Dear Steven,
1. Shapes and Form is usually the most common method in analysing a plot of land:
1.1 Using the four symbolic animals concept i.e. of clear space at the front and solid support behind.
1.2 Yin and Yang concept
1.3 The Five elements concept such as the surrounding buildings. Are they generally e.g. earth element? fire element? etc...
2. For a plot of land, it is analysed usually with a built up area.
3. This is because under the Flying Star Feng Shui there are 24 directions or (mountains) or compass degrees per 24 sector at 15 degree increments.
4. For a Flying Star Chart, it is essential that the direction of the main entrance door is taken. Without this fundamental direction, no Flying Star Chart can be `drawn'.
5. Since the Flying Star Chart has the `water' star and `mountain' star or the facing (water) and sitting (mountain) position, this form of Feng Shui closely resembles Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui.
6. This is where under Para 5, the Flying Star `water and mountain' or facing and sitting' can be used to analyse a plot of land.
7. Here, if one notice carefully, it is really similar or actually is infact "Shapes and Forms" minus using the compass.
8. Therefore, when we applying the " sitting and facing " used under Flying Star, it is the same as saying that at the main entrance, one should have clear space or a water position representing clear space as water is flat.
While the `sitting' position usually would require a solid backing or wall.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/10/00 5:46:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
I have heard that one can
apply the flying star on a
plot of land. Can you please
elaborate on this matter.
To my understanding if a house
have a major renovation, The
period of the house will
change..... But on a plot of
land ,ch'i is not capture
inside as it has no walls so
how do we determine the period
of the land?
Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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