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Dear Elena,
1. For metal beams, the most important consideration is the time spent at that sector.
2. If the beam happens to be above one's bed or the sofa, we can try to neutralise it.
3. But if the beam is on it's own and one does not spent much time below it, then this is usually not an issue.
4. Yes, the idea is to use 6 coins. Alternatively, some FS practitioners advise to use 6 stars.
Some people prefer not to use 6 stars because of the pointed spokes of the stars. But this is still considered a cure.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/12/00 11:53:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello Cecil & Robert: I have a
much used room with beams that
needs a metal cure. Do I use
the same "6 coin metal red
packet" for both? Or do I hang
one to break the beams AND
another one to balance the
sector? Thank you!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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