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Hello I am trying to activate my career section as by placing a fountain in my North sector, my good elements are weak earth and weak metal, and my north sector is my death sector, what can I do to overcome this dilemma as I am unemployed and desperately need to find work
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  • Staff

Dear Bill,
Instead of `totally' relying on the placement of an object in your `career' sector, it would be good to look into the following areas:-
1. Were you out of job when you were staying in this house?
2. Check that there are no poison arrows aimed at your main entrance door, or windows to your living room/bedrooms etc...
3. When you mention that your good elements are "weak earth" or "weak metal" under Ba Zi or Pillars of Destiny (Eight Characters), a person, should only on the final analysis be e.g either say a weak earth or weak metal `person' and not both. In Ba Zi, one can try to improve one's heaven luck by improving on one's weak element.
4. Feng Shui is only about improving one's Earth luck.
5. The approach to paying `homage' or placing too much hope and attention to a sector such as North = "Career" may not be the correct approach.
Feng Shui trys to improve one's earth " Luck " and by only concentrating at a sector is not ideal. It is about, trying to `maximize' as much `luck' as we can.
Thus, in the holistic approach, one should try to improve one's Earth LUCK and Heaven LUCK. However, these are just two `LUCK' elements.
Other factors, should be considered such as being proactive (not that, you may not have been proactive) but try to go for as many interviews as possible.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/7/00 8:35:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello I am trying to activate
my career section as by
placing a fountain in my North
sector, my good elements are
weak earth and weak metal, and
my north sector is my death
sector, what can I do to
overcome this dilemma as I am
unemployed and desperately
need to find work

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hello Cecil,
just a last question, to answer my element is weak metal, and yes I have actively applying for a lot of jobs and I had been getting interviews, just recently it stopped, what have I done? I have been placing more job related books in my northwest sector and placed a fountain in my north section which a week later received a parking ticket.. should I weaken the water section by placing a fire object in the north
sector? because my north is my death sector
and happens to be my front door or should I get rid of it altogether, i guess what I am trying to say can I compensate my bad sector
by weakening it with another element even if the both of those elements are inauspicious to me( ie water and fire )so as to improve my own element in that sector (metal)
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  • Staff

Dear Bill,
1. As mentioned earlier, Feng Shui and Pillars of Destiny (overall) is about trying to increase one's Luck.
2. Under Feng Shui, there are several `compartments':
2.1 Shapes and Form
2.2 Compass School (Flying Star / Eight House)
3. Rather than going into a `vicious cycle', usually a holistic approach is needed under Feng Shui.
4. Here, instead of just merely looking at whether we have `tried' to increase or improve on a sector, one has to look that the whole house in total.
5. Usually, full audits are done to access the whole house.
This is done for three reasons:-
5.1 To neutralise Sha Qi or poison arrows `aimed' at the house. And improve or enhance beneificla Qi.
5.2 To assess the Shapes and Form of the house.
Here, this is important as it gives a feel of the house i.e. one cannot simply get a quantum leap just by paying homage to a corner.
`Corner' Feng Shui is best left to using say the Flying Star to analysis each sector of the house to come up with a balance.
And it is, in my opinion, not so easy simply by doing `trial and error' Feng Shui of enhancing e.g. the `career' sector.
6. Under Pillars of Destiny, since you had mentioned that you are a weak metal person, (other than the influence of the element under th luck period), for a weak metal person, on the personal level, one can improve, by either increasing the `earth' element or `metal element'.
Good colours e.g. in dressing is white (metal) or yellow earth.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/10/00 7:53:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello Cecil,
just a last question, to
answer my element is weak
metal, and yes I have actively
applying for a lot of jobs and
I had been getting interviews,
just recently it stopped, what
have I done? I have been
placing more job related books
in my northwest sector and
placed a fountain in my north
section which a week later
received a parking ticket..
should I weaken the water
section by placing a fire
object in the north
sector? because my north is my
death sector
and happens to be my front
door or should I get rid of it
altogether, i guess what I am
trying to say can I compensate
my bad sector
by weakening it with another
element even if the both of
those elements are
inauspicious to me( ie water
and fire )so as to improve my
own element in that sector

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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