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Dear Dhiren,
1. I hope I get your question correct.
I am assuming that you are referring to Compass School of Feng Shui in your
mention of "directionology ". (If not, please elaborate further on the
meaning of " directionology").
2. In this forum, I have mentioned my personal view of the different
inclination each of us have i.e. more inclined towards either Shapes & Form
or Compass School methods of Feng Shui.
3. Or the explanation offered that some of us are Right or Left 'brained'
persons. Where some of us are more `artistic' while others are more
mathematical or logical.
4. For example, some of us when we read a book we make sure we read from
page 1, 2, 3 onwards.
While some of us prefer to read a book or flip to the end rather than follow
the `logical' path of reading from page 1 to the last. This group of people,
usually are more keen to express themselves with drawing or illustrations.
5. Thus, it is my personal belief that some of us are more inclined towards
Shapes and Form Feng Shui and may have a feel of it.
6. While others may not feel comfortable with abstracts such as Shapes and
Form Feng Shui.
7. These people are more mathematical or logical and may find Compass School
techniques such as Flying Star which has numbers.. Perhaps, this group of
practitioners thus are more inclined towards this form of Feng Shui.
8. For example, if you read Joseph Yu's resume, he has a backgroup with a
bachelor's degree in Mathematics. Thus, it is my belief that he is `more
inclined' towards say the Flying Star Feng Shui.
9. Thus in your question of " what do you get by directionology ", here,
some FS practitioners are more inclined towards Flying Star Feng Shui, a
compass school method using direction.
10. The same is true for specialisation of even US universities. For
example, Harvard Business School specialises in the `arts' such as Human
Resource, Organisation behaviour and the social path.
Where University of California, the studies are more inclined towards
mathematical subjects.
Here, Harvard Business School is equivalent to Shapes and Form type of
learning. While University of California, is more inclined to say "Compass
School - Flying Star type of courses.
11. It is my belief therefore, that it is not what do one get by
directionology, but rather, some FS parctitioners are more inclined towards
the mathematical side or compass method than Shapes and Form.
12. Frankly, in my opinion, many students of Feng Shui would prefer the
`abstract' side of Feng Shui such as space clearing as it more subjective
and easier to give reasoning.
13. Thus, depending on the experience level of a practitioner, he/she can be
a very experienced Shapes and Form practitioner or Master or quite a new
practitioner using the common sense approach.
14. Here, the entry level for a new practitioner who provides `reasoning' or
space clearing is easy.
15. Many people who sought out practitioners either hear or learn by word of
mouth and it is to `survive' as a FS practitioner, especially in the East,
it is difficult with just basic knowledge of `space clearing'.
One "may get away" with it, perhaps but time will `creep up' with the person
with little knowledge. Since, more people are getting more aware of what
Feng Shui or perhaps, Geomancy is. Unless, " dead man tell no tales ".
Warmest Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "discussion-session Listmanager"
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 3:29 PM
Subject: What do you get by directionology

From: "Dhiren Panchal"
what benefits do you get from the use of directionology

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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