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Is it okay to place the bed behind the door like the diagram given it is backed by the wall? I ask this because there are double windows opposite the door wall and thinking of placing my desk on the opposite of the bed. What do you think? My other choice is placing the bed on the same wall as the door with the headboard against the wall of course, and my desk where the bed is in the diagram. Right now my bed is against the wall opposite of the wall that it is placed in the diagram. Hope I didn't confuse you.
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Dear Anon,
1. Thanks for the illustration. It is quite clear:)
2. Many of us are not that `fortunate' in having the bed in a `good' position.
3. As what you had described, there is not much choice in the placement other than what you had illustrated.
4. I feel that, based on your description, this position is still acceptable. Since it is not directly facing the person's head.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/19/00 2:15:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Is it okay to place the bed
behind the door like the
diagram given it is backed by
the wall? I ask this because
there are double windows
opposite the door wall and
thinking of placing my desk on
the opposite of the bed. What
do you think? My other choice
is placing the bed on the same
wall as the door with the
headboard against the wall of
course, and my desk where the
bed is in the diagram. Right
now my bed is against the wall
opposite of the wall that it
is placed in the diagram.
Hope I didn't confuse you.
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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