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Dear Robert:
In respect to flying star, which one do you use to calculate the flying stars: the sector where the door is or the direction in which is facing? For example, my door at the office is in the northeast quadrant but is facing north. Another confusing situation is:after you figure out the flying stars do the flying stars designated for the north go to the northeast sector since the door is in that sector, or go to the north sector since the door is facing north?
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Dear Ricardo,
Apologise for the delay, due to too many questions posted daily, we may have missed it the last time.

In respect to flying star,
which one do you use to
calculate the flying stars:
the sector where the door is
or the direction in which is
facing? For example, my door
In respect to the use of the Flying Star in the website for analysing a person's house, all you need to do is to use an actual compass to see what is the direction of the main door from the center of the house. (eg. 0 degree) which means North.

There are many ways to use a Flying Star, but usually in the website we are focused only on the House Analysis. This is it the direction where the main door faces from the center of the house.
However, in doing a manual calculation, this is not exactly so simple, as you need to know the actually facing and sitting direction. However, the website's Flying Star report takes the trouble of this by doing it as soon as it knows the actual main door direction based on a normal compass.

at the office is in the
northeast quadrant but is
facing north. Another
Not exactly sure here what's there to be confused. Just use the compass to determine the main door direction.

I believe what you could be confused is that, there is often some books that tells you facing direction.
This two words "facing direction" can mean a lot of things.
Some may say that is where the main door faces outwards. Some say it is the main house facing direction. Some say it is the direction the door faces inwards.
And depending on where it is used, whether for macro flying star or micro flying star or eight house facing etc. They can be for one of the uses.
However, in our website we do not confused people if we used the actual compass direction. This will not be confusing nor complicated.

confusing situation is:after
you figure out the flying
stars do the flying stars
designated for the north go to
the northeast sector since the
door is in that sector, or go
to the north sector since the
door is facing north?

Whatever, it is for the flying star done using the website, we have orientated the original flying star chart from South-North direction to North-South direction so that it conforms to the compass direction.
This way, there is very little confusion. As the Northwest of the sector is represented by the analysis done from the Northwest sector.
Hope that helps:)
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
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