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Unfortunately I do not know the time of my birth. How accurate will I be able to plan my Feng Shui readings without this information? I have had one reading done here locally and I was quite impressed with the results. I am in need of some specific information concerning a few aspects of my life. Also if anyone knows of other Feng Shui sites I would love to hear about them. My email hbirrell@cansurfus.com
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Dear Heidi,
The hour pillars will provide 1 additional pillars to the day, hour and month. And it will to some extend have some effect on the final analysis of the strong or weak element. But that is the main key influence.
It does not influence the Month or year pillar all. And since it does not affect that two, which happens to be the deciding factor of the 10-yearly and yearly analysis. It has very little impact in terms of the final analysis, unless the element of hour pillar is determined to the change the basic element strength.
Pillars of Destiny was designed with the concept that it helps to chart your heavenly luck. And all that is really needed is the DAY, MONTH and YEAR. If these three pillars are inaccurate your entire analysis will be wrong.
The hour pillar, house of life and house of conception which is considered the additional pillars can be ignored and a basic analysis can still be done. So what these additional pillars do is to try to provide more accurate analysis, but is not 100% necessary. Thus, even if it miss a little, it will have little impact.
Hope that this helps:)
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 1/1/01 4:37:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Unfortunately I do not know
the time of my birth. How
accurate will I be able to
plan my Feng Shui readings
without this information? I
have had one reading done here
locally and I was quite
impressed with the results. I
am in need of some specific
information concerning a few
aspects of my life. Also if
anyone knows of other Feng
Shui sites I would love to
hear about them. My email

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