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Dear Cecil and Robert,
I am reading a book of Eva Wong (I do not know the original title) of course about Feng shui.About the flying stars analysis,as far I understood, she mainly takes into consideration the interaction between the facing star and the base one and she pays little attention to the mountain star (according to her the influence of the mountain star is limited)What do you think about it?
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Dear Luigi,
1. In my opinion, the mountain star # should be taken into consideration for a more accurate analysis.
2. The reason is because each # be it mountain, water or base is in itself an element (which is either weak or strong).
3. Thus, in Five Elements Analysis, at each sector, mountain #; water # and base # represents each an element and strength.
4. In more detailed Five Elements analysis, there the above three elements are reviewed against each other.
5. Thus, the mountain # does come into the picture i.e. where it interacts with the water # and base #.
6. Thus I feel that in a more thorough analysis, the mountain star should be taken into consideration. This is the approach taken by most Flying Star FS Schools where they evaluate each set of 3 numbers
3 3
a. Being strong or weak element
b. The interaction of all three elements
Can change the equation of balance/imbalance at a sector or even help neutralise a sector.
7. As in the above. Many schools do not evaluate just the water and base number.
8. Here, I believe is question of how much depth one wants to use the Flying Star method.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/2/01 9:27:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil and Robert,
I am reading a book of Eva
Wong (I do not know the
original title) of course
about Feng shui.About the
flying stars analysis,as far I
understood, she mainly takes
into consideration the
interaction between the facing
star and the base one and she
pays little attention to the
mountain star (according to
her the influence of the
mountain star is limited)What
do you think about it?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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