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Dear Puffy,
1. In my opinion, often, I seen comments from users who tried posting questions to say the only "Feng Shui" newsgroup at : alt.chinese.fengshui usually may get a rude shock in rather comic responses where I believe a few same people perhaps with huge egos `quarrel' amongst themselves.
2. It is very diffcult therefore, to find common consensus amongst FS practitioners.
3. Overall, in Traditional Feng Shui, the main schools are:
3.1 Shapes and Form
3.2 Compass - Eight House and Flying Star
4. Shapes and Form is easy to understand but much harder to put into practise.
5. Compass School i.e. Flying Star is harder to understand but easier to apply.
6. Like the saying goes, "Jack of all trade but master of none".
7. There are so many disciplines or specialisation in both Chinese divinity and Feng Shui and it is not possible for just one person to Master all Schools.
8. As mentioned in some of the earlier messages, each of us are more inclined towards e.g. abstract/arts on one hand and mathematics/logic on the other hand.
9. Thus some practitioners are more inclined towards Shapes and Forms while others are more at home with the mathematics side.
10. Books on Shapes and Forms is quite easy to find and in general, it helps to understand `features' some of which are commonsense. While others has more to do with avoiding poison arrows/sha qi.
11. In my opinion "Feng Shui" or so called Feng Shui such as:
11.1 Corner feng shui e.g. romance corner at SW etc... or paying homage to a `corner'
11.2 Black Hat Sect " FS ? "
11.3 Practitioners that cross-sell wind chimes, coins ... let the buyer beware.
In my opinion it is best to avoid concepts based on para 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3.
Warmest Regards,
12. Practit

On 1/4/01 12:08:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
To Whom it May Concern;
I would like to know briefly--
why there are different
schools of thought on Feng
Can I find a book that is easy
to teach or what?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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