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Hi Kenny,
Take note here, that House Number Feng Shui analysis takes only a small impact on the overall Feng Shui of a house.
Feng Shui influences that affect the house are as follows in the following order:-
- Shapes and Forms
- Flying Star of the House
- Eight House Suitability
- Ba Zi Feng Shui and the suitability to the house element
- House Number Feng Shui
The element analysis portion of the House Number does not mean that you have use the element suggested to cure the numbers. It is for your knowledge as to why the numbers are bad.
And as mentioned since it only a small portion of impact on a house, there is very little point correcting it.
Furthermore, sometimes a certain set of numbers may be unlucky to a person, but may be other person's lucky numbers.
So personally I feel that you should not be too worried about House Number. It is there only to help you decide which of the houses may be better than the other especially in the case of choosing a new home.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 1/26/01 3:46:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I had just tried the flying
star for the house number. It
said that for the house number
12-62 in the period 7,
required the
use of wood to destroy or
control earth.
Does it mean the house need to
have more plants or require
more wood furniture?

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