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Generally, you should not have any object blocking your main door, as it will divert or split away the Qi (C'hi) from flowing into the house through the main door.
Also, if you can see the threat it is often considered a poison arrow.
However, may I ask how long have you moved into the house. And whether since you move in did you encounter any problems? One way to see if the tree is really bad or not is to see if you have any major problems (sickness, accident etc.)
Also wether or not you should cut down the tree also depends very much on whether it helps you block other more dangerous poison arrow.
For example if there a street lamp behind the tree, then the tree actually helps you block the Sha Qi from the lamp post.
You should check out the surrounding after the tree to see if there are any other such more dangerous poison arrow.
In another way to look at it, having a tree direction in front of the main door is not very good due to say if a lighting strikes onto the tree and it collapse, there is a high chance it will fall onto the house, thus not very good either.
But you have to decide to see if there are any other poison arrow it helps to deflect before you decide whether to cut it down or not.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 2/2/01 2:11:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Recently moved into new home,
and there is a willow tree
directly in line with the
front door. Sadness? How
to antidote? Or, cut down

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