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Is it bad to renovate, etc. in SW this year?


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Dear Cecil,
I recently read an article about flying star feng shui. The writer had written about the yellow five star, which renders the direction it is in, inauspicious. Last year it was in the N and it has moved to the SW this year.
So the advice is to hang a metal wind chime with 5 rods in the SW to exhaust the bad energy. Also, one should not dig the earth, start any renovation, even not shift furniture, in this direction this year.
Well, we were planning to take down a block of cupboards on our SW wall and do some changes. So how true is this, and if so, how rigidly should the above be followed?
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Dear Anon,
For this lunar metal snake year, the position of Tai Su is at South-South East or exactly falling at compass degree 150 degrees.
And not South West.
However, the location of conflict is at EAST sector.
-- Extract from Flying Star report at www.geomancy-online.com:--
Tip on Renovating Your Home
If you are doing renovations for your home, check the location of Grand Duke, first.
What is the Grand Duke's Theory?
The Chinese hold the Grand Duke in great esteem. The Grand Duke refers to the position of Jupiter in relation to each of the Chinese calendar year. For example in 2001, the year of the snake, the grand duke is at 150 degrees or South-South-East:-
What's the benefit about knowing the position of the Grand Duke for each year?
You can improve your Feng Shui or take advantage of the Grand Duke by knowing the position of the Grand Duke for each year. This is because sitting opposite or facing the Grand Duke will bring you misfortune, calamity, disaster or defeat. Try to avoid renovations or repairs in the location opposite the Grand Duke.
The Grand Duke Theory can be applied to renovations and repairs to a house, office, building, a site, a city or country.
In addition, Chinese generals in the past made use of this knowledge in battle. In recent times, for example, during the Gulf war in 1991, which is the year of the ram, the grand duke was at the South West. Saddam Hussein's troops were at the North East while the Allied forces were advancing from the South West. Saddam's forces were facing the Grand Duke! The Grand Duke was with the Allied forces.
The morale of the story is not to confront the Grand Duke (facing him). Let the Grand Duke support you from behind.
How to improve your environment after knowing the Grand Duke Theory?
1. Avoid sitting in a direction facing the grand duke as this will bring disasters and grave misfortune in that year. For example, if the grand duke is in North Direction, then sit facing North.
2. Once you know where the Grand Duke is located for the year, avoid disturbing him by having any renovations or repairs in his location. For example, if the grand duke is in the North, avoid renovations in the North of your home/office.
What is the location in conflict?
This is the location which is in conflict. For 2001, this is EAST. This location also changes from year to year.
How to improve your environment after with the knowledge of the location in conflict?
You should NOT have any renovations or repairs done opposite the location in conflict. For example, if the location in conflict is East, do not have any renovation done in the West Location.
Looks like the locations you mentioned below; most likely does not conflict with the Grand Duke. But do follow the above to confirm and if possible avoid:
1. Touching the grand duke.
2. Disturb him.
Touching implies such situations as painting the wall.
Distrubing him is like knocking wall or disturbing the earth.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/19/01 11:34:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I recently read an article
about flying star feng shui.
The writer had written about
the yellow five star, which
renders the direction it is
in, inauspicious. Last year it
was in the N and it has moved
to the SW this year.
So the advice is to hang a
metal wind chime with 5 rods
in the SW to exhaust the bad
energy. Also, one should not
dig the earth, start any
renovation, even not shift
furniture, in this direction
this year.
Well, we were planning to take
down a block of cupboards on
our SW wall and do some
changes. So how true is this,
and if so, how rigidly should
the above be followed?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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