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Wooden windchimes outside bathroom/toilet?


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My bathroom and toilet has a wall in between separating them.My "Sheng Chi" is there ie. Southwest of my flat. My husband is the breadwinner. But he lives in another state. Comes back once a month for a few days.I'm a housewife.I lived with my child.
I wish know if hanging wooden wind chimes outside the bathroom and toilet respectively could help mitigate unlucky energy for me? Both the bathroom and toilet doors are open all times. Toilet sit down. Both bathroom and toilet facing a washing machine.
I really don't want to see my savings being wash away.I need advice.
Please help. Thank you very much in advance.
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Dear Anon,
In my opinion, what you have mentioned can at best be based on intuition or feelings as Feng Shui looks further than just the toilets.
Feng Shui should be used at a holistic level to look into various areas or sectors within and external of the home ...
Thus, just by looking at the toilet and giving a brief comment on it is can be quite a difficult task. It is like doing guess work.
Although I agree that, for the toilet, if you can; why not close the toilet door without placing wooden wind chimes.
The placement of objects are usually looked at using proper FS tools such as Flying Star to analyse the praticular sector.
Thus if we are not using these tools; we would have to use guess work at best:
1. Close the toilet door when not in use. (If so, do not need to cover the toilet bowl).
2. Since you have already placed the wooden wind chimes and since there are no adverse effects till now; it looks quite `neutral' although I do not see how it can neutralise Sha qi.
This is because, toilet positions are usually fixed and only a phyical relocation would be useful if it is at a very bad sector. (Here, many times, this cannot be done due to the plumbing etc..)
Warmest Regards,

On 2/20/01 1:18:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
My bathroom and toilet has a
wall in between separating
them.My "Sheng Chi" is there
ie. Southwest of my flat. My
husband is the breadwinner.
But he lives in another state.
Comes back once a month for a
few days.I'm a housewife.I
lived with my child.
I wish know if hanging wooden
wind chimes outside the
bathroom and toilet
respectively could help
mitigate unlucky energy for
me? Both the bathroom and
toilet doors are open all
times. Toilet sit down. Both
bathroom and toilet facing a
washing machine.
I really don't want to see my
savings being wash away.I need
Please help. Thank you very
much in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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