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Gold pendant and Diamond ring


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I bought an oval gold pendant with a dragon design for my boyfriend for last Valentine's Day. He's been wearing it since. Removes it when he sleeps. My boyfriend is Weak Wood. Can he wear the gold pendant or gold chain or gold ring? How about jade? Can he wear jade pendant? Do you know?I wish to know as I don't want to harm him.
I'm Strong Earth. My boyfriend gave me a round diamond ring with white gold and a gold band. Are they suitable for me? I'm wearing it anyway harmful or not. (:
Please tell me. Thank you and Have a nice day!.
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  • Staff

Dear Anon,
Usually, these are decorative items even if it is dragon and in my opinion, should not have a major impact on your boyfriend or yourself.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/20/01 1:08:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I bought an oval gold pendant
with a dragon design for my
boyfriend for last Valentine's
Day. He's been wearing it
since. Removes it when he
sleeps. My boyfriend is Weak
Wood. Can he wear the gold
pendant or gold chain or gold
ring? How about jade? Can he
wear jade pendant? Do you
know?I wish to know as I don't
want to harm him.
I'm Strong Earth. My boyfriend
gave me a round diamond ring
with white gold and a gold
band. Are they suitable for
me? I'm wearing it anyway
harmful or not. (:
Please tell me. Thank you and
Have a nice day!.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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