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Dear Cecil,
I was advised to put plants around my home. I had put green silk plants, is that all right? If not, what type of plants should I get?
I also read that one should not use a bagua mirror inside the house. Is that true? I had placed the bagua mirror on top of the sliding door to the patio. The reason is because the door from the garage faces directly to the patio sliding door. This is the entrance door we use daily to go in and out of the house because we drive to work. The main entrance door is hardly use. Additionally, our main entrance door faces the end of a cul de sac. I had placed a bagua mirror facing the street and also hang a wind chime. Is that good enough?
I also want to have some water around the house, perhaps, one of the those electrical waterfall figurine. Where is the best place to put it?
Thanks for your response.
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Dear Chole,
1. In recent times, generally plants that are not thorny can be used in the home.
2. Green silk plants are acceptable for use in your home.
3. Since many of us live in various parts of the world, it would now not be possible to be very specific about the type of plants one should use.
In general, use plants that can i.e. if they are indoor plants, these plants should easily survive in your home - in your country.
Try to get plants that are of very little maintenance if possible. Avoid plants that you regularly need to bring into the sunlight.
4. To be more specific, in the `past' plants can be classified into one of the Five elements.
As many of us know, use the type of plant that `conform' to the element of harmony at that sector or if plants are used as a cure, or as a controlling element, use the plant with the specific element.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/5/01 7:16:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I was advised to put plants
around my home. I had put
green silk plants, is that all
right? If not, what type of
plants should I get?
I also read that one should
not use a bagua mirror inside
the house. Is that true? I
had placed the bagua mirror on
top of the sliding door to the
patio. The reason is because
the door from the garage faces
directly to the patio sliding
door. This is the entrance
door we use daily to go in and
out of the house because we
drive to work. The main
entrance door is hardly use.
Additionally, our main
entrance door faces the end of
a cul de sac. I had placed a
bagua mirror facing the street
and also hang a wind chime.
Is that good enough?
I also want to have some water
around the house, perhaps, one
of the those electrical
waterfall figurine. Where is
the best place to put it?
Thanks for your response.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Cecil,
Thanks for your response to my question on silk plants.
Can you advise me regarding the bagua mirror?
Is it okay to put the bagua mirror inside the house? I read that one should not. I had placed it on the interior side of the patio door because the entrance door from the garage faces directly to the patio door without any obstructions. Since this is the entrance that we go in and out of the house, I understand it can be considered as the main entrance. If not a bagua mirror, how to I block the flow? Will a crystal ball do? A plant would block the walkway. Please advise.
Thank you,
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Dear Chloe,
Yes, it is best to avoid placing a bagua mirror facing inside the house.
In my opinion, you could place two potted plants on both sides of the main door entrance. But if the plants does block the walkway, then do not place the plants.
I feel that a crystal ball would not help the situation.
Overall, for now I am too sure how the two doors `interact'. But, since they do not create any poison arrows or sha qi, perhaps, you need not place any objects at these sectors.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/7/01 6:16:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
Thanks for your response to my
question on silk plants.
Can you advise me regarding
the bagua mirror?
Is it okay to put the bagua
mirror inside the house? I
read that one should not. I
had placed it on the interior
side of the patio door because
the entrance door from the
garage faces directly to the
patio door without any
obstructions. Since this is
the entrance that we go in and
out of the house, I understand
it can be considered as the
main entrance. If not a bagua
mirror, how to I block the
flow? Will a crystal ball do?
A plant would block the
walkway. Please advise.
Thank you,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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