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I understand that it is auspicious to have
support (turtle hill) at the back of the
property. But I do see quite a lot of
expensive properties with their back
facing a ravine/cliff.. is this auspicious?
How can it be corrected? Thanks.
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  • Staff

Dear Max,
Yes, with proper soil analysis and soil management especially drainage and structurally sound retaining walls, houses built as you had mentioned can be auspicious.
Many a times, some of the various reasons below compounded by weather may cause landslides:
1. In many instances, too many houses were built on these hills providing downward pressure on the hill.
This is less of an issue if there are no heavy downpours. But if there are heavy downpours, coupled by poor retaining walls or vegetation.. a landslide may be eminent.
2. Ideally, the best hills are those of limestones (hard rocks).
Warmest Regards,

On 3/6/01 2:08:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I understand that it is
auspicious to have
support (turtle hill) at the
back of the
property. But I do see quite a
lot of
expensive properties with
their back
facing a ravine/cliff.. is
this auspicious?
How can it be corrected?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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