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I have a small 10x10, square office with a large, floor to ceiling window facing north and my door exits south. The computer part of my desk (it is U-shaped) faces west to a wall, and the other 2 parts facing the door (the door is actually towards the end of that part of the desk)and window, behind me are 3 cabinets, in cherry wood, covering the entire east wall. I don't have much space, and I will be getting rid of one of the cabinets because of this. I feel like I am suffocating and full of anxiety! Can you help me? Thank you.
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  • Staff

Dear Jennifer,
It is quite difficult to understand your exact layout.
Perhaps, you can upload a sketch of it for me be better understand your layout.
Usually, the table is situated either facing the window or at its side.
You mentioned that the large window is at (facing) the north and the door is at the (back) south. In such a situation, does the window have either blinds (preferred) or curtains.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/20/01 4:44:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I have a small 10x10, square
office with a large, floor to
ceiling window facing north
and my door exits south. The
computer part of my desk (it
is U-shaped) faces west to a
wall, and the other 2 parts
facing the door (the door is
actually towards the end of
that part of the desk)and
window, behind me are 3
cabinets, in cherry wood,
covering the entire east wall.
I don't have much space, and I
will be getting rid of one of
the cabinets because of this.
I feel like I am suffocating
and full of anxiety! Can you
help me? Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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