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Dear Expert
2 or 3 years ago in my dream my great grand-father requested me to look for their graves which has not been tended to for many many years. After looking for "a needle in a haystack" we managed to locate their graves.
Please advise -
Is 13 April morning good day for going to
my Ancestral Grave for following :
a)praying for QingMing
b)We want to put names of our current
generation on side of their gravestone
c)there's quite a big tree sprouting from
middle of an unknown grave about 45degrees
left of their grave. We want to chop it
away - will it be bad for us? Seems that
tree is blocking our fengshui? Our
generation met with a lot of bad incidents
Would greatly appreciate your advice as soon as possible.
Best regards/Serene
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Dear Serene,
1. It is great to hear that you have dreamt of the request and also found your great grand-father's grave.
2. It is indeed a very good omen (based on beliefs) and by locating and `trouble-shooting' the problem at the grave-site; it would certainly help to change the LUCK for you and your family members.
3. In my opinion, if you are choosing a date in April, close to 13 April; I believe the best date is rather 9 April 2001 as this is the 16th day of the 3rd lunar month.
This is where, similar to the 2nd of Lunar month just after the full moon i.e. 15th day.
(For info) The ideal date was the Qing Ming festival 2nd Lunar Month, 16th Day which is 10th March 2001 which had just past. Starts from Yin time of between 3 to 5 am.
Ref: Major Chinese Festivals: http://www.geomancy.net/calendar/festivals.htm
Please see below:-

On 3/23/01 1:27:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Expert
2 or 3 years ago in my dream
my great grand-father
requested me to look for their
graves which has not been
tended to for many many years.
After looking for "a needle in
a haystack" we managed to
locate their graves.
Please advise -
Is 13 April morning good day
for going to
my Ancestral Grave for
following :
a)praying for QingMing
b)We want to put names of our
generation on side of their
c)there's quite a big tree
sprouting from
middle of an unknown grave
about 45degrees
left of their grave. We want
to chop it
away - will it be bad for us?

For now it is best not to chop away the tree. As I have little information of this; it is difficult for me to give you the precise advise.
This is because, the distance between your great grand father's grave has to be assessed precisely in relation with the location / distance of the tree. The type of tree need to be analysed in detail and other factors include the unknown grave and the Shapes and Form (orientation) of your grand father's grave surroundings.

Seems that
tree is blocking our fengshui?
generation met with a lot of
bad incidents
Would greatly appreciate your
advice as soon as possible.
Best regards/Serene
You could still choose the 13th April; but I recommend 9th April 2001.

First and foremost, spring cleaning of your great grandfather's grave is of utmost importance.. and you can later add the rest of the family members to it. Offerings should be given and if you can get the gardener to trip the top-side of the grave.
It would be good if you can use the many coloured paper and get the family members to place it /insert into the grass patches of the grave.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The story about the Five Coloured Paper used in Qing Ming:
In ancient China, there was once an Emperor who took over the throne.
After he took over the throne, he visited the location where his father was buried.
Legend was that he looked everywhere but could not find the tomb. He nearly gave up until, one of his loyal aids; asked him to throw the `five coloured paper' (which can also be written on).
He threw the `five coloured paper' and one of them was lodged in the grass field. True enough, it was his father's tomb.
Hence, it was said that from that day onwards, Chinese besides giving offering also placed colourful paper (5 types of colours) and insert them around the grave...
as a mark of respect ....
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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