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I remember reading (on Geomancy-Online, I think) that if the toilet is found on top on the main entrance, this is very inauspicious.
Unfortunately, I have noticed that A LOT OF HOUSES in Malaysia are like that. To be specific, the attached bathroom of the master bedroom on the top floor is directly on top of the main entrance on the ground floor. Some of these are new houses and some are old. The universities/colleges should really consider to incorporate some Feng Shui courses into the curriculum of Architecture, so that these architects or draftmen can design better houses!
Oops! Went off track. I would like to know if there is any known cure for this.
P/S: Ever since I came to know about Feng Shui, I tend to apply the limited knowledge that I have onto every house / office that I went. Of course, I know only too well that I am not in any position to give advice, as my advice might not be accurate at all and in turn only yields harmful effects.

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Dear Rose,
Thanks for sharing with us this useful information.
Frankly there is no `cure' for a toilet above the main entrance door.
I am thinking that if the toilet is above the main entrance area, how do the building contractors hide the sewerage pipe?
The main consideration is also the sewerage pipe or the other pipes e.g. drainage and cold and hot water pipes. In the above situtation it must be hidden e.g. using a false ceiling.
In my opinion, if the toilet bowl is not directly above the main entrance, this is considered not as bad (although it is still inauspicious).
From a commonsense approach, imagine, if the sewerage pipe of the toilet bowl is leaking, and so happen that a guest is standing at the entrance area. (I do not want to imagine further).
Frankly Feng Shui is also about commensense. For example, the most likely place in a home (touch wood) to catch fire is the kitchen. The advise is not to have a bedroom above the kitchen. As all of us are aware, fire moves upwards and it may pose a danger to anyone staying above the kitchen area.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/17/99 11:46:03 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I remember reading (on
Geomancy-Online, I think) that
if the toilet is found on top
on the main entrance, this is
very inauspicious.
Unfortunately, I have noticed
Malaysia are like that. To be
specific, the attached
bathroom of the master bedroom
on the top floor is directly
on top of the main entrance on
the ground floor. Some of
these are new houses and some
are old. The
universities/colleges should
really consider to incorporate
some Feng Shui courses into
the curriculum of
Architecture, so that these
architects or draftmen can
design better houses!
Oops! Went off track. I would
like to know if there is any
known cure for this.
P/S: Ever since I came to know
about Feng Shui, I tend to
apply the limited knowledge
that I have onto every house /
office that I went. Of
course, I know only too well
that I am not in any position
to give advice, as my advice
might not be accurate at all
and in turn only yields
harmful effects.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Cecil, Robert,
Pardon me if this may sound like a stupid question, but if it is =commonsense not to have a bedroom situated above the kitchen, then what =is a safe room to situate above it? Store room? Toilet? Any other =rooms? Or better not to have anything situated above it?
----- Original Message -----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed
Sent: Friday, May 21, 1999 10:32 AM
Subject: Toilets On Top of Main Entrance
From: "Cecil Lee"
This message is sent from "feng-shui-tips" Mailing List.
Dear Rose,
From a commonsense approach, imagine, if the sewerage pipe of the =toilet bowl is leaking, and so happen that a guest is standing at the =entrance area. (I do not want to imagine further).
Frankly Feng Shui is also about commensense. For example, the most =likely place in a home (touch wood) to catch fire is the kitchen. The =advise is not to have a bedroom above the kitchen. As all of us are =aware, fire moves upwards and it may pose a danger to anyone staying =above the kitchen area.
Warmest Regards,
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Dear Cecil, Robert,

Pardon me if this may sound like a stupid question, but if it is
commonsense not to have a bedroom situated above the kitchen, then =what is
a safe room to situate above it?Store room?
Toilet?Any other rooms? Or better notto have =anything
situatedabove it?


----- Original Message -----
To: Recipients of
'feng-shui-tips' suppressed
Sent: Friday, May 21, 1999 =10:32 AM
Subject: Toilets On Top of Main =
From: "Cecil Lee"

message is sent from "feng-shui-tips" Mailing List.Dear =Rose,

From a commonsense approach, imagine, if the =sewerage
pipe of the toilet bowl is leaking, and so happen that a guest is =standing at
the entrance area. (I do not want to imagine further).Frankly =Feng
Shui is also about commensense. For example, the most likely place in =a home
(touch wood) to catch fire is the kitchen. The advise is not to have a =bedroom
above the kitchen. As all of us are aware, fire moves upwards =and it may
pose a danger to anyone staying above the kitchen area.Warmest =
To reply: mailto:feng-shui-tips=..975@forum.geomancy.netTo
start new topic: mailto:feng-shui-tips@for=um.3dmail.comTo
unsubscribe and participate only via Web Forum:1. Login to http://forum.geomancy.net/~geoma=ncy
with your account.2. Select "Mailing List" from the welcome =page.3.
Uncheck the mailing list you wish to unsubcribe, eg.

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Dear Davis,
To clarify, if there is a fire, fire `moves' upwards and a room above the
kitchen is not considered `ideal'.
But as you have brought out for example a safe. A safe in the same situation
stores things and a room above a safe looks fine.
In Feng Shui it is inauspcious for example to have a toilet above a bedroom.
But, not the other way around. Same situation for a store room.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed>
Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: Toilets On Top of Main Entrance

From: "dj"
This message is sent from "feng-shui-tips" Mailing List.
Dear Cecil, Robert,
Pardon me if this may sound like a stupid question, but if it is
=commonsense not to have a bedroom situated above the kitchen, then what
=is a safe room to situate above it? Store room? Toilet? Any other
=rooms? Or better not to have anything situated above it?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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