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Business Element


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Dear Cecil,
What element does IT business related to software production belong to?
Thanks in advance.
Don't work hard for a living, work smart for a lifestyle!
Don't do less than what you are capable of - work smart!
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Dear Wasis,
For info, there may be deviations in interpretation by many practitioners on this issue:
1. Fire element?
Some FS practitioners may view it as a Fire element:
1.1. Some consider, electricity i.e. using the PC (chiefly thru electricity or circuit boards i.e. memory, cpu and hardware as Fire element. Where fire = electricity.
1.2 If the business is related to software production, and thru the end result the `package': A marketing or sales personnel, who markets the product can be considered under the Fire element. Or hopefully under the Fire element (with the hope) that the product can be successful i.e. `fiery' sales or preference for activity.
2. Water element?
In my opinion, I would personally view software production OVERALL as a water element as it involves thought needed to create and test the program akin to a fluid or use of brain matter (even thou programming is may be structured but it requires human thought).
As I mentioned, the view of the element may vary with different practitioners and depending on how they view or percieve the activity.
Therefore, there is no right or wrong answer to this question. On some occassions, in the past, I do see lenghtly `arguments' in some other forums or newsgroup on this. I feel that this is unhealthy and counter-productive.
Individually, you may have a different point of view and perhaps, `not wrong' also:)
Warmest Regards,

On 4/16/01 7:09:11 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
What element does IT business
related to software production
belong to?
Thanks in advance.
Don't work hard for a living,
work smart for a lifestyle!
Don't do less than what you
are capable of - work smart!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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