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I am confused. I want to have plants to
clean the air & create oxygen in my small
city apartment, but green & plants are
supposedly inauspicious for an Earth person.
Even if I put them all in ceramic pottery, I
still have many plants (like my lucky bamboo)
that shoot strait up, in the symbol of a
tree/wood, which draws energy from Earth.
??? And does putting a plant in earthenware
really negate the fact that it is green &
tall & th
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Dear Laurelle,
I agree that there can be `contradictions' in the application of Feng Shui.
Should we place plants in the home? Even if one's element is for example an Earth person.
We should also look at the external environment i.e. `threats'.
`Threats' is an important component in how we apply Feng Shui.
For example, if there is a threat to the main entrance... we try to neutralise it by using an element that destroys it.
In the home, we should try to `cure' or neutralise `threats' or imbalances in the various sectors. This can be independent of our personal element.
For example, if a cure required `wood' element or plants, we can still introduce it into the home. Even if it is friendly to our element.
In a city apartment, since the external environment can be poluted by vehicle exhausts etc... we can plant plants in our home.
For personal elements, we can separately enhance it e.g. wearing clothing favourable to self etc...
We should always remind ourself that we should not end up becoming `slaves' to the system. But rather let the `system' work for us.
For example, what is the use of a complex and elaborate computer system that requires constant updating. We may end up becoming slaves to it.
Similarly, in Feng Shui, we should have the `give' and `take'.
Warmest Regards,

On 4/21/01 11:06:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I am confused. I want to have
plants to
clean the air & create oxygen
in my small
city apartment, but green &
plants are
supposedly inauspicious for an
Earth person.
Even if I put them all in
ceramic pottery, I
still have many plants (like
my lucky bamboo)
that shoot strait up, in the
symbol of a
tree/wood, which draws energy
from Earth.
??? And does putting a plant
in earthenware
really negate the fact that it
is green &
tall & th

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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