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I have read previously in a Feng Shui book that it is possible to cleanse a home of energy & it is recommended that a home be cleansed before you move out to take your memories & energy with you to your new home. Do you know how this is done?
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Dear Anon,
1. In my opinion, it is difficult to the energy from an existing home to a new home.
2. As you mentioned, the best `enegry' is the `energy' or the memories in one's mind and the minds of people who lived in that home.
3. For cleansing a home, especially a new home:
3.1 Often, salt is used or sprinkled more often in the toilet area or corners of the home.
3.2 For the Chinese, many use rice and sprinkle them throughout the home.
3.3 Others invite e.g. Priests or monks/nuns etc...
4. As for cleansing an existing home, this is not usually done by the previous home owner but rather the new home owners and may follow Steps 3.1 ...
Warmest Regards,

On 5/5/01 9:00:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I have read previously in a
Feng Shui book that it is
possible to cleanse a home of
energy & it is recommended
that a home be cleansed before
you move out to take your
memories & energy with you to
your new home. Do you know
how this is done?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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